Reference books
Class 0 general description
000 general description
010 Library / Library Science
020 Books and Bibliography
030 Encyclopedia
040 General Treatises / General Lectures
050 Serials / Yearbook
060 Academic societies / organizations / research institutes
070 Journalism / Newspaper
080 Series / Complete Works / Selection
090 Rare books, local materials, and other special collections
Class 1 Philosophy
100 Philosophy
110 Philosophy details
120 Eastern thought
130 Western philosophy
140 Psychology
150 Ethics / Morality
160 religion
170 Shinto
180 Buddhism
190 Christianity
Class 2 history
200 history
210 Japanese history
220 Asian History / Oriental History
230 European / Western history
240 African history
250 North American History
260 History of South America
270 Oceania History / Bipolar Local History
280 Biography
290 Geography, geography, travelogue
Class 3 Social Science
300 social science
310 politics
320 law
330 economy
340 Finances
350 statistics
360 society
370 Education
380 Customs, folklore, ethnology
390 Defense / Military
Class 4 Natural Science
400 Natural Sciences
410 math
420 Physics
430 Chemistry
440 Astronomy / Space Science
450 Earth Science / Earth Science
460 Biochemistry / General Biology
470 Botany
480 Zoology
490 medicine
Class 5 Technology / Engineering / Industry
500 Technology / Engineering / Industry
510 Construction Engineering / Civil Engineering
520 Architecture
530 Mechanical Engineering / Nuclear Engineering
540 Electrical and electronic engineering
550 Marine Engineering / Naval Architecture
560 Metallurgy / Mining Engineering
570 Chemical industry
580 Manufacturing industry
590 Home Economics / Life Sciences
Class 6 industry
600 industry
610 Agriculture
620 Horticulture
630 Silk industry
640 Livestock industry
650 Forestry
660 Fisheries
670 commercial
680 Transportation / Transportation
690 Communications business
Class 7 Art / Art
700 art / art
710 sculpture
720 painting
730 prints
740 photo
750 crafts
760 music
770 theater
780 Sports / Physical Education
790 Arts and entertainment
8 languages
800 languages
810 Japanese
820 Chinese
830 english
840 German
850 french
860 Spanish
870 Italian
880 Russian
890 Other languages
Class 9 literature
900 literature
910 Japanese literature
920 Chinese literature
930 English and American literature
940 German literature
950 French literature
960 Spanish literature
970 Italian literature
980 Russian Soviet Literature
990 Other literature
"Keywords" "Title" Author Publisher Publication year
"Why was it difficult to raise children in" Heisei "? "(Slow, fast, low-tall No.102): Hidenori Fujita, Kenji Hashimoto wins Norihiko Ishikawa Quito Rie Okazaki
"Teaching and Learning" Takeji Hayashi Kenjiro Haitani Rin Shobo
"Freedom of Conscience and Children" (Iwanami Shinsho): Hiroshi Nishihara Iwanami Shoten (February 2006)
"Violence called Mother" Shunsuke Serizawa Shunjusha Publishing
"Neglect Childcare Abandonment-Why Mana Died" Haru Sugiyama Shogakukan
"Diverse education"
"Japanese is a genius" (Shincho Bunko) Naoki Yanase Shinchosha (September 2009)
"English-style space education to learn how to learn" Keiko Miyakita Gentosha
"Toward a Dialogue Society" (Iwanami Shinsho): Itsuko Teruoka Iwanami Shoten (January 2017)
"Now, the teacher" Asahi Shimbun Education Team Iwanami Shoten (October 2011)
"I didn't go to school, I didn't choose!" (Yori Michipan! Se) Rie Kido Rironsha (January 2005)
"Children grow up well at home-truancy, meet home education" Tokyo Schule Tokyo Schule Publishing (January 2006)
"To be a strong head and a smart body" Taro Gomi Bronze Shinsha
"Nobita / Gian Syndrome 5 Family ADHD / Adult ADHD Mother Therapy" Rieko Shiba SHUFUNOTOMO (December 2004)
"Reflexology & Foot Care at Home" Seibido Shuppan (March 2006)
"Effects of aromatherapy approved by doctors-sniffing, painting, drinking" essential oils "... Why are they effective against various diseases?" ( KAWADE Yumeshinsho) Kazunaga Kawabata Kawade Shobo Shinsha (January 2002)
"Early childhood education"
"Children are not bad at all. "Hiromichi Sato Kodansha (April 2005)
"Dad brain science to nurture the researchers child brain" Yuji Ikeya Crayon House (August 2017)
"Kenjiro Haitani's Nursery Diary" Kenjiro Haitani Shogakukan
"Where did your life come from? -The mechanism of" birth "that is conveyed by the age of 9" Nanako Oba Information Center Publishing Bureau
"Liberal arts"
"How do blind people see the world?" (Kobunsha new book) Asa Ito Kobunsha (April 2015)
"Class of" Oriental Thought "that is useful to know" Mitsuaki Kumagai Nihon Jitsugyo Publishing Co., Ltd. (November 2016)
"Nobuko Imazeki: Nobuko Imazeki PHP Institute " "Chris Moon and Children (PHP Love and Hope Nonfiction) Proclaiming Anti-Personnel Landmines Ban"
"Psychology of becoming" moody "" Taizo Kato PHP Institute (May 2007)
"Basic human rights"
"Peace Class from 13 years old" Motofumi Asai Kamogawa Publishing (July 2010)
"When schools teach the" patriotism "," Hiroshi Nishihara Nippon Hyoronsha (May 2003)
"Children's Poverty Seen from School": Norihiro Fujimoto Institutional Research Institute Otsuki Shoten (May 2009)
"Gift from God Children of Satochika Doi Home-A Story of Hope and Recovery" Takanori Doi Fukumura Shuppan (May 2008)
"Social Work for Children in Town" Tadataka Yukishige Kamogawa Publishing (February 2018)
"Children who can't do" Kakurenbo "" Atsuo Sugimoto Minerva Shobo (January 2011)
"Among All Friends-Raising ADHD Children / Exchange Diary of Mother and Teacher" Sachiko Matsushita Gendai Kikakushitsu Office (March 2002)
"New Edition: How to View and Raise Children's Pictures" Akemi Torii Otsuki Shoten (March 2003)
"The Reason I Jump in Autism-The Inner Heart of Junior High School Students Who Can't Talk" Naoki Higashida Escoar (February 2007)
`` Philosophy''
"Philosophy Snack War and Peace (Thinking Lessons from Teens)" Brigitte Labbé Shiobunsha (December 2010)
This is a book I have read while raising children born in 1999 to 2007.
At that time, I was a mother in her twenties to thirties.
From an only child's parent (2 years) to a 2 child's parent (1 and a half years), 3 Kyodai's parents (3 years), and 4 Kyodai's parents (from their 30s).
I got a lot of hints from various fields.
Not all of them are separate knowledge, but all are connected.
Being a parent can be "a variety of specialists for children", isn't it?
We will update it from time to time. (As of February 2021)
"Book classification"
Described on the left.
I am impressed that there are far more diverse fields than the impression I get from the subject.
At the entrance to academics, without being bound by subject learning.
It's not a strict division, but it's a book that hints at that keyword.
Please search and read the contents. It will help you find new books with updated updates.
"Author name"
It is also recommended to look for books by researchers and experts in the field.
(Publication year)
It is necessary to consider the background of the times, such as the expression method and legal system.
Useful site for book search
・Japan's largest library search Carlyl
・CiNii Articles Search for Japanese treatises
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